Choosing Your Word of the Year
Do you choose a word of the year?
I started doing this a few years ago. Even though I was a skeptic at first, I will say I really enjoyed the process and love having my motivation word around all year!
Choosing a word doesn’t have to be hard, or a big process. Maybe you already have a word in mind. But if you don’t, I’ve got a few exercises you can do to figure out which word best fits your goals and upcoming year.
How to choose your word of the year
You can do these things on a blank piece of paper, in your notes app, or anywhere you’ve got some space to write.
- List your goals for the upcoming year. Start with 1 large goal, 3 medium goals, and then 2-3 smaller goals breaking down and getting you to your medium/larger goals.
- List some words that come to mind when you look at those goals. Do not overthink this, jot down whatever comes to mind.
- Look over the words you wrote down and cross off anything that doesn’t feel right. I suggest saying it out loud and see how it makes you feel.
- Find it yet? Your word of the year should encompass many things. How you’re feeling about the upcoming year, as well as a word that will motivate you when you hear it or see it.
I keep my word written on the whiteboard in my office. Every time I see it, I remember choosing it and it motivates me when I need that extra push. In 2022 my word was Persevere. Running a business single-handedly isn’t always a walk in the park. I came to my word because I wanted to remind myself that even on the hard days I need to persevere.
How to use your word of the year
What to do once you have your word?
Put it in front of you. Design your phone wallpaper with your word- that is the best place to see it daily. Use it as a personal hashtag. You will know what it means and it will serve as a reminder and motivator. Decorate your journal page with your word and come up with some journal prompts. Write it where you’ll see it when working. Computer screen, whiteboard, bulletin board. A daily reminder is helpful to keep it at the top of your mind.
How to find your word of the year
If you are a perfectionist, finding your word of the year may be a challenging exercise. Remember this, start. Choose a word, life changes and so can your word. But stressing over it and not choosing will leave with little direction. Know it’s ok to change it if life moves you to that. Can’t narrow it down to one? It is easy to remember one word, but if you are down to 2 or 3, make it a series of words that motivate you. There really are no rules, only guidelines to help you. You have to do what’s best for you!
If you are still stuck, ask yourself some questions:
- What are you struggling with?
- What is your first thought when you get up each day?
- What could I use more of in my life?
- What could I use less of in my life?
- At the end of the day, I feel…
- I would like to feel……
Haven’t found it yet? Look through the list below and see if anything resonates. You want to think about the word you choose. Does it promote action to keep going like mine did (persevere or forward)? Or does it remind you to stay calm in tough or stressful situations (calm or breathe)? Maybe it is something you need to focus on that is more concrete (organization, timing). There are so many options, and I find taking the time to set your goals and pare them down to one word is really eye-opening.
Sample words of the year
- Abundance
- Ability
- Advocate
- Arrive
- Align
- Authentic
- Aware
- Balance
- Become
- Breathe
- Bold
- Calm
- Centered
- Creative
- Careful
- Confident
- Challenge
- Commit
- Commitment
- Connect
- Daring
- Dedicated
- Discipline
- Decision
- Emerge
- Empower
- Enter
- Embrace
- Evolve
- Foster
- Focus
- Finish
- Grow
- Gratitude
- Grace
- Grounded
- Grateful
- Honest
- Hopeful
- Helpful
- Intelligent
- Intuitive
- Initiate
- Intentional
- Journey
- Knowing
- Knowledgeable
- Learn
- Listen
- Mindful
- Manage
- Motion
- Nurture
- Organize
- Open
- Passion
- Peace
- Positive
- Powerful
- Persistence
- Permission
- Present
- Progress
- Recovery
- Release
- Relinquish
- Radiate
- Rise
- Risk
- Service
- Simplify
- Savvy
- Stong
- Teach
- Tech
- Thrive
- Total
- Whole
- Welcome
- Wonder
- Yes
- Zen
- Zest
- Zealous
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